Please click here to view the latest Temporary Local Rules.
Please note the addition of the following:
Optional Relief from Interference by Recent Course Work
Relief from interference by recent course work is provided as follows:
Drainage work 3rd and 16th Holes – in front of tees
The sand filled drainage lines in front of the tees on the 3rd and 16th holes are GUR. Players may take relief for interference to stance, ball or area of swing. Relief should be taken with reference to the nearest point of complete relief that is no nearer the hole.
Drainage work near the 2nd and 12th Greens
The area where work has been undertaken adjacent to the 2nd and 12th greens has been marked as GUR with white lines. Relief for interference to stance, ball or area of swing may be taken with reference to the nearest point of complete relief that is no nearer the hole.
Drainage / New turf work adjacent to the 17th Green
The area of new work adjacent to the17th green has been marked as GUR. Relief may be taken either by using the nearest point of complete relief as the reference point, or dropping in the closest Drop Zone to where the ball lies. Drop Zones are marked with blue lines.
Newly Turfed Mounds Adjacent to the 12th Green
The area of new work to the mounds adjacent to the12th green has been marked as GUR. Relief may be taken either by using the nearest point of complete relief as the reference point, or dropping in the Drop Zone provided. The Drop Zone is marked with blue lines
Please don’t hesitate to contact the Golf Operations Manager or any member of the Match Committee for clarification on the local rules.
Filed under: App News, Local Rules