The bunker drainage and re-shaping project on Hole 17 is now complete and the hole will be brought back into play on Thursday, 16 June.
All bunkers and surrounding turf are marked by white paint which indicate it is Ground Under Repair. These areas are also No Play Zones (NPZ), meaning play from these areas is prohibited and free relief must be taken. You must take relief if your ball is in the NPZ, or you are going to stand in one, or your swing will hit something in the NPZ when making your stroke.
Members have the following options when taking relief from the No Play Zones:
- Drop your ball in the nearest Drop Zone (marked by blue paint)
- Drop your bal;l within one club length of the nearest point of relief, no nearer the hole
When playing the 18th hole only, if your ball comes to rest in the NPZ, there is a Drop Zone at the front of the white tee box where you may drop your ball, or take your nearest point of relief.
Please note that the penalty for playing your ball from a wrong place in breach of Rule 16.1 is the general penalty (two strokes in stroke play or loss of hole in match play).
Filed under: Members News, Golf, Local Rules